James Joyce

Joyce was an Irishman, he was born in Dublin in 1882, of a middle-class Irish Catholic family. In 1888 James was sent to a Catholic institution run by the Jesuit order : the Jesuit were responsible for all of Joyce 's education. In 1904 Joyce took the two steps which were to determine the direction of his life and save him from a complete self - destruction in Dublin : he met Nora Barnacle, the woman who was to be his lifelong companion ; in the same year the couple left Ireland, still unmarried. They settled to Trieste, at the time still part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


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Electronic mail is the process of sending messages directly from one computer to another. Electronic mail releases workers from the tyranny of the telephone. Perhaps a company has employees who find communication difficult because they are geographically dispersed or are too active to be reached easily.
Yet these may be people who need to work togethere frequently, whose communication is valuable and important. These people are ideal candidates for electronic mail.


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